Need cash? Your global home equity can help!

Has your international property appreciated in value? If so, your equity—the portion of the property you own—has likely increased as well! 

A popular way to tap into this growing equity without selling your home is through a conventional Cash-out refinancing or Asset-backed bridging loan.

Quick Comparison

Bridging loan

  • Approval 48 hours
  • Funding in as fast as 7 days
  • Up to 70% of your home's value
  • Available for primary homes, second homes, and investment properties
  • Short-term (1-2 years) and not meant to replace a bank loan
  • No age restriction in many countries
  • Qualify on property value only (no need to show income)

Cash-out refinance

  • Exactly the same as a conventional residential mortgage
  • Qualify using your salary or rental income of the property
  • 30-45 days funding times (each country may vary)
  • Often used to purchase more property

How Bridging Loans Work

Bridging loans are short-term loans, usually 1-2 years, used to bridge a funding gap where banks cannot meet borrower requirements such as speed of funding, loan-to-value (LTV), and certainty. These loans are asset-backed, relying on the collateral value of the property rather than the borrower's personal financials. They typically feature "interest-only" or "interest-servicing only" payments with a bullet repayment at the end of the term. 

$186M bridging loans funded in Singapore YTD!

In a recent press release in Singapore, Global Mortgage Group set a new benchmark in a record-breaking month by facilitating bridge loans for two high-end condominiums, three bungalows, and one Good Class Bungalow (GCB). In 2024, GMG has funded over $186 million in bridging loans in Singapore alone.

Recent Funded International “Bridging Loans”


  • An Indonesian family office owned 3 homes in California free and clear, worth $17M. Since the homes were empty and used as second homes, bank financing was not an option, and the client needed funding within a month to be repatriated back home for working capital. We secured an interest-only $10M loan for 2 years, funded in 2 weeks!


  • A private bank referred a client who needed to purchase a Golden Visa in Europe. However, since their country had capital controls, they were not able to move the required amount of funds in the necessary time frame. We secured a bridging loan against their U.K. prime real estate to be used for the Golden Visa investment. Terms were 1 year, 70% LTV, funded in 3 weeks! 


  • Our client, a Singaporean entrepreneur, owns a $15 million bungalow. To expand his retail business, he secured a $11.25 million bridge loan (75% LTV) over 12 months. This provided liquidity to complete his shophouse purchase without selling his bungalow, funded in 3 weeks!

Amount of Home Equity in the U.S., England and Australia

With global home values rising and equity growing, many homeowners now have significant equity to extract cash for personal use.


  • $17 trillion in U.S. home equity!
  • 38% of homes are debt-free (CoreLogic, 1Q2024)


  • 8.8m homes are owned outright.
  • Total home equity is estimated at £2.5 trillion (Octane Capital, 2022)


  • Home value $9.3 trillion vs corresponding debt level of around $2 trillion 
  • 78% home equity of $7.3 trillion (Robert Baharian, 2022)

Global Bridging Loans

For investors looking to release equity from their property globally, Global Mortgage Group offers bridge financing in the U.S., Canada, U.K., Europe, Australia, Dubai, Singapore, Hong Kong, Philippines, and Thailand.

Global Bridging Loans

For investors looking to release equity from their property globally, Global Mortgage Group offers bridge financing in the U.S., Canada, U.K., Europe, Australia, Dubai, Singapore, Hong Kong, Philippines, and Thailand. 

USA - from our subsidiary, America Mortgages

A practical way to tap into this growing equity without selling your home is through a conventional cash-out refinancemortgage or an asset-based bridge loan

Foreign nationals and U.S. expats often face unique challenges when leveraging home equity in the U.S. America Mortgages's loan programs are designed to meet these needs, making the process smoother and more accessible.

1. Conventional Cash-out Refinance Mortgages 

Cash-out refinance mortgages are a good option if you have consistently made regular mortgage payments in a timely manner since owning the property or if you have no existing mortgage on the property. However, we recognize securing a mortgage can be challenging for foreign nationals and often U.S. expats because they lack a U.S. credit history. At America Mortgages, we can use international credit reports and other financial documents in lieu of U.S. credit. It’s so straightforward that Foreign nationals are eligible to borrow up to 75% of their property's appraised value, while U.S. expats can borrow up to 80%.

Key Loan Features and Requirements

  • Income: Foreign income accepted
  • Credit: Overseas income and credit accepted (if required)
  • Term Lengths: 30-year and 40-year fixed-rate mortgages regardless of the borrower's age 
  • Term Options: Fixed 10-year, Interest-Servicing Only (Interest-Only) mortgages available
  • Loan Amounts: From US$100,000
  • Cash-out Refinance Loan-to-Value: Up to 80% for a U.S. expat and 70% for a Foreign National
  • Property Types: Single-family, multi-family (5+ units), duplexes, triplexes, quadplexes, condominiums, townhomes, commercial, industrial
  • Location: All 50 U.S. States
  • Amortization: All loans can be amortized over 30 years, regardless of age
  • Closing Time: 30-45 days

2. Asset-backed real estate bridge loans

Asset-backed bridge loans are designed for U.S. expats and foreign nationals who need flexibility and quick access to funds. These loans are perfect for short-term financial needs or investment opportunities and normally do not require the borrower to provide financials. 

Key Loan Features and Requirements

  • Income: No income required
  • Credit: No U.S. credit is required
  • Eligible Loan Types: Purchase, refinance, and cash-out refinance
  • Term Lengths: 12-24 months
  • Loan Amounts: US$200,000 to US$100m
  • Payment Options: Monthly, interest-only, interest rolled up
  • Loan-to-Value: Up to 75%
  • Property Types: Single-family, multi-family (5+ units), duplexes, triplexes, quadplexes, condominiums, townhomes, commercial, industrial
  • Location: All 50 U.S. States
  • Amortization: Interest-Only Servicing 
  • Closing Time: 3-10 days

America Mortgages and Global Mortgage Group aims to simplify the process for foreign nationals and U.S. expats, providing the financial flexibility they need. Our tailored loan programs are designed to suit your unique situations, helping you make the most of your property's equity.

With our fast approval process, flexible terms, and international reach, we’re here to support your financial needs. Schedule a meeting with us today, and let’s turn your home equity into cash for whatever you need. Get started now!