What Is Needed For Foreign National Loans?

Global Mortgage Group

Purchase or Refinance

Global Mortgage Group has several Foreign National, Non US Citizen mortgage programs to obtain US Real Estate for both purchase or refinance regardless if they have US credit (FICO), residency or proof of income.

Loan to Value (LTV)

Maximum Loan to Value for a non US citizen mortgage is normally capped at 70%LTV (30 down payment) on a purchase and 65%LTV on a refinance.

Most programs allow up to US$2,000,000 maximum cash out for a refinance or remortgage.

Income Qualification

Global Mortgage Group has two US mortgage loan programs for non US citizens;

Stated Income – does not require income verification or tax returns. Perfect for non US citizen mortgage borrowers that are either self employed, or have numerous write-offs on foreign tax returns.

Full Income – requires the following;
  • Two (2) years of foreign tax returns
  • Two (2) months bank statements (foreign account okay)
  • One (1) month pay statements

Visa & Valid Passport

Foreign National mortgage borrowers must have a valid copy of their passport. US Visa is not required normally. You should also check that your country is not listed in OFAC – Office of Foreign Assets Control - Sanctions Programs and Information.

Down Payment

The down payment can range from 30% to 50% depending on the property type, interest rate, and documents that you can can provide. GMG has mortgage programs for non income and income verification.

Interest Rate

US Mortgage Interest Rates for Foreign National borrower vary from the mid 5’s to the low 7’s and are subject to change every day. GMG’s compensation is not based on the rate and borrowers will receive best options available at the time of application.

Bank Statements

The Foreign National or Non US Citizen mortgage borrowers needs to show two months (60 days) of bank statements and to show funds are "seasoned". Seasoned funds simple mean that funds have been in an account, US or Foreign for a minimum of 6o days for AML purposes. U.S. anti-money laundering laws require this.

If the borrower has money in cash, he/she will need to deposit that cash in their bank and let it season two full months.

GMG has loan programs that allow for 100% gift funds for Non US citizen borrowers looking to purchase US Real Estate. Gift funds are money given to you by a family member or friend without expectation of repayment. This money will also require AML seasoning requirements.

Money Reserves

For most programs, reserves are NOT required.

Foreign Credit Report or Bank Reference Letter

For most programs, a foreign credit report or bank reference letter will be required.

Funds in a U.S. bank

The funds for the down payment and closing costs must be in a banking institution for 60 days (seasoned). These funds can be in a US account or non US account. Any bank statements require professional translation.

Minimum Loan Amount $100,000

Unlike regular loans, Foreign National loans do have a minimum loan amount requirement. Remember that it is the loan amount, not the sales price.

If you have a specific scenario and property that you would like us to price it and give you the requirements for your client, please feel free to email hello@gmg.asia.

How Do You Document Your Income?

Global Mortgage Group

A documentation loan is any loan that requires full information substantiating a borrower's claims of income and assets in order to gain financing. The vast majority of loans are documentation loans. Lenders use the documents provided during the underwriting process to ensure the application for financing is accurate and to determine the terms of a loan contract further. "No doc" loans, in contrast, require no verification. No doc loans are also known as "high-risk" loans, and they may even violate standard lending principles. Therefore, it is best to attain a documentation loan when possible by providing the necessary loan information.

Income Verification

The first thing you will need to supply a lender in order to prove you can afford a loan is verification of your income. There are several ways to verify income, and each lender may have specific requirements. One option that works for most lenders is supplying at least two years of tax information. For example, submit copies of the past two years’ worth of W-2 statements, which record your official income. If you are self-employed, you will need to supply Schedule C statements instead.

Lenders may also accept paycheck stubs or verification of income from your employer. However, many lenders would like to see that you have been earning an income equal to your current level for at least two years. The best scenario is to show continued employment for two years with the same employer with an increasing income.

Asset Verification

Lenders will consider your assets when reviewing your full financial strength. Not all lenders need to know your “net worth” in order to extend your loan. However, if you are placing any collateral down on a loan, you will need to verify the value of that collateral through full documentation.

For example, if you are taking out a home equity loan, the lender may require an up-to-date home appraisal and a statement from your primary lender. The primary lender’s statement will reflect how much equity you have earned in the home through paying down your mortgage. This tells the second lender just how much it can expect to recover if you were ever to default on the loan and the lender needed to seize your asset.

Liens and Liabilities

Lenders cannot count your assets alone in order to determine your financial stability. Your debts, liens, and liabilities will also be taken into account. For example, when you apply for a mortgage, your mortgage lender will need to know if you also owe money to a student loan lender and a car loan lender.

This can affect your ability to afford a new loan based on your current income. Liabilities can be found through a simple credit check. Your credit report will reflect all of your debts and liens against your property. A credit check is completed without any documentation from you. All you will need to supply is your Social Security, Tax Payer Identification, or Credit Report number. The lender will carry out the credit check with your approval.

Low or No Documentation Loan

A low or no documentation loan requires very little verification of the claims made on an application. Documentation loans require a borrower to submit proof of income, proof of assets, and other documents prior to having a loan move through the underwriting process. A no or low documentation loan requires none of these items. Instead, the borrower must place only enough money as a down payment (30% min) in order to receive the loan. In exchange for the relative ease of the lending process, the borrower may have to accept higher interest rates and financing charges as well as a lower loan-to-value ratio on an asset.

Global Mortgage Group specialises in Non-U.S. Citizens and Expats looking to purchase or refinance U.S. Real Estate. All the programs listed above may be available depending on your situation. With over 11 languages/dialects and representation throughout Asia, Australia and Europe, one of our experienced professionals will be able to find the right loan for your borrowing ability.

Contact us at hello@gmg.asia.

Advantages Of Investment Mortgage Loans Over Cash Purchases

Global Mortgage Group

As a U.S. real estate investor, investment mortgage loans can be very beneficial to you. There are a number of programs on hand that make it possible for people to get a mortgage to invest in real estate. Global Mortgage Group focuses specifically on these types of mortgage loans.

Some are better than others, but they can all help you out in some way. If you are considering getting a mortgage, here are a few advantages that you can get from an investment mortgage loan.


Use other people’s money – The biggest advantage of using investment mortgage loans is that you get to use other people’s money. Many financial experts have said that you should use other people’s money whenever you can. When you get a mortgage, you only have to put up a certain percentage of the money for the property, but you still get to benefit from owning the whole property. You get to take advantage of the appreciation of the property, and you get to use it for whatever you want. This allows you to hang on to your capital and use it for other investments.

Reasonable interest – With most mortgages, you will be able to get a very reasonable interest rate with or without a U.S. credit score (FICO). When you get a low-interest rate like you can with an investment mortgage, it can save you a substantial amount of money. For the cost of the loan, it is usually well worth getting a mortgage instead of using your funds. Hang on to your cash and use it towards additional investments.

Easy approval – With an investment mortgage, you will usually be able to tell whether you are approved rather quickly. Global Mortgage Group has pretty cut-and-dry standards when it comes to getting you approved for an investment mortgage. GMG has loan programs for U.S. expats with or without U.S. credit. We understand that living abroad often changes factors and your ability to borrow in the U.S. Our loan programs are tailored to your exact situation. Not a U.S. citizen, Foreign National, or considering relocating abroad for work or school? We can help. Our Foreign National / Non-U.S. citizen mortgage loans were created for these situations. Qualify with No U.S. credit. No U.S. residency. No income verification. It’s not simple, but we have it down to a science with our expertise in this market. You will know where you stand and if you will qualify within a reasonable amount of time.

Increase your reach – With the use of investment mortgages, you can increase your investment power. As you grow, you can keep buying more and more property. In Asia, where property prices have increased, and square footage and yield have decreased, finding an affordable investment outside your home country only makes sense. In fact, many people would not be able to purchase property otherwise as it usually takes a big investment.

Build your net worth – Hong Kong, Singapore, Shanghai, and other large Asian cities have cooling measures to stabilize a fast appreciating real estate market mainly due to outside investment and the lack of affordable real estate options. Being able to build your net worth on a global scale with a reasonable mortgage loan that eventually will be paid off gives you the same opportunity as anyone else, regardless of your passport. You are free to do what you want with all of the property. If you had to rely on your own funds for all of this, much of it would not be possible.

The Verdict

Using an investment mortgage can be a great way to get involved in the real estate investment market. Many people have gained considerable amounts of wealth through real estate investments. Therefore, if you are at all considering getting involved in the field, you should definitely take advantage of investment mortgages. The advantages that you will receive as a result of using them will help you in a number of ways. If you can qualify for one, it makes a lot of sense financially. Global Mortgage Group’s primary focus is helping non-U.S. citizens and expats obtain prime, quality investment mortgage loans not only in the United States but on a global scale.

What Are You Waiting For?

For more information on U.S. or mortgage loans in other countries please enquire via email – hello@gmg.asia.

Hong Kong Migration Wave 2019…Is This Time Different?

Global Mortgage Group

Is It Time To Invest In Overseas Real Estate?

Global Mortgage Group (www.gmg.asia) is Asia’s only overseas mortgage company with Direct Bank Bank Programs for Foreign Nationals and Overseas Expat to purchase or refinance residential property in the U.S., U.K., Australia, Canada, Europe, Singapore, Thailand and Japan.

I am a Hong Kong citizen and what’s happening now is heart-breaking to watch unfold. Hong Kong’s cultural identity, fortitude and integrity are all being tested and regardless of whose side you are one, one thing cannot be disputed – Hong Kong is not that same as it once was.

Previous Migration Trends…

Hong Kong is no stranger to phases of migration. Starting in 1967 and lasting almost 10 years, social instability was wide-spread with riots all over the small island city. Many citizens of Hong Kong moved to South East Asia, South Africa and even as far away as South Africa.

Then towards the end of 1984 when the “Handover” to China from the U.K. was officially signed, it was the beginning of the largest outbound migration Hong Kong has ever seen. At the time, the U.K. government was not offering passports to those born in Hong Kong as it once did.

Then just a few years after in 1989, the Tiananmen Square event happened and Hong Kong citizens migrated en-masse, primarily to Commonwealth countries such as Canada, Australia and New Zealand and to a lesser extent, the U.S.

The Numbers Were Staggering!

  • Some estimate total emigration during this time period was up to 1 million, with the peak between 1988 – 1994 at 330,000.
  • That is about 20% of the entire population of Hong Kong in the 90s!
  • That is about 20% of the entire population of Hong Kong in the 90s!

Why Is This Time Different?

What is different this time around is that, back then the “Handover” was relatively uneventful and most Hong Kong-born emigrants returned to home, a phenomenon known as “香港回流潮” or Hong Kong Returning Tidal Flow.

Fast-forward 20 years to today and the landscape is very different. Every conversation with friends, colleagues and family, Every news channel, Every newspaper – it all revolves around the protests. Hong Kong is emotional, it’s tense and it’s energy is visceral. We now have a small glimpse into what the future may be like and it’s different from the landscape during the Handover.

Folks Are Looking To Move!

Hong Kong has the most expensive property prices in the world and the market has increased consistently for 30 years with a few pullbacks – Asian Currency Crisis 1997, SARS 2003, GFC 2008 to name a few. Meanwhile, the HKD is pegged to the USD so being able to cash out your Hong Kong property to purchase homes in countries like the U.S., Australia, Canada and the UK is starting to make a lot of sense.

It’s already happening…

Case Study: Canada

Canada issued permanent residency for Hong Kong Citizens:

YearNumber of PR's Issued to HK Citizens

Other Destinations

Canada issued permanent residency for Hong Kong Citizens:

  • San Francisco: home prices fall first time in 7 years
  • Manhattan: Slowest 1Q sales since 2008
  • Vancouver: down 9.6% from its peak in June 2018
  • London: down 20% from its peak in 2014
  • Sydney : down 15% from peak in July 2017

Case Study: U.S.A.

The reasons why the U.S. attracts the most Foreign Purchases of Investment Property:

Education – “Something for Everyone”
  • Most universities in the world. The U.S. has approximately 5,300 colleges and universities in the world vs 2,600 globally.
  • That is a staggering 20% of all colleges and universities in the world!
Evidence Supported
  • Top Foreign Buyers in the U.S. in 2019: China $13.4bn
  • Top Destination (more below):
    Florida (20%); California (12%); Texas (10%), Arizona (5%), New Jersey (4%)
Rental Yield
  • The U.S. has some of the highest investment yields globally.

Here is a just a small sample in (no particular order):

LocationRental YieldHome Value Increase
Arlington, Texas7.5%10.3%
Columbus, Ohio7.9%9.2%
Las Vegas, Nevada5.3%15.9%
San Antonio, Texas6.4%8%
Orlando, Florida5.7%10.7%

** Did you know Orlando is the most searched city in America for Chinese real estate investors?

Since June 15, 2019, GMG has seen a steady increase in loan enquiries from Hong Kong, with about 70% of them in the process of an actual home purchase!

Location Enquiries Loans Processing
U.S. 12 10

Hong Kong is an amazing city and it has provided so much, for so many, for so long.

However, Hong Kong, just like any other country, is not immune to domestic turmoil and you have to wonder if this current Migration Wave is different from the others?

"There is nothing wrong with being prudent and diversifying your investments aboard."

GMG Partners

GMG has bank loan programs that are easy to qualify. We are able to close loans in 30 days with many loan programs not requiring any income proof or the need to leave Hong Kong. Overseas Expats and Foreign Nationals to Purchase or Refinance.

The Global Mortgage Group | Gmg.

Global Mortgage Group

One source, multiple options

Global Mortgage Group (GMG) is a Super Broker with an emphasis on the U.S. mortgage market. We specialise in Residential, Commercial, Construction and Bridge financing for Non-U.S. Citizen, U.S. Expats, Family offices and Institutions. With the ability to lend in all 50 U.S. States (for most programs) and Internationally, GMG is the “go-to” source for global Real Estate financing.

GMG has direct relationships with U.S. banks, Asia regional banks, private mortgage lenders and global funds to offer market rate loan programs direct to the borrower in Asia or abroad.

The Power of YES! Over 11 languages/dialects spoken, cultural understanding, regional representation and the ability to open an application and close the mortgage in most locations without leaving your home country.

Our U.S. mortgage programs include:

  • U.S. Expat Mortgages
  • Non U.S. Citizen/Foreign National Mortgages
  • Construction and Commercial property loans
  • Bridge lending
  • Hard/Soft money loans
  • Cross Collateral
  • Fix-n-Flip

Our INTERNATIONAL mortgage programs include:

  • Large scale, global bridge financing – US$3mm minimum and up in most countries.
  • Residential mortgage loans in various countries with a minimum loan amount of US100k
  • We offer mortgage loans for foreigner in Thailand, Australia, Japan.

For more information please contact Contact us on hello@gmg.asia or visit us online www.gmg.asia.

How To Buy A Home In The U.S. If You’re Not A U.S. Citizen.

International Mortgage Lenders

If you’re from Hong Kong, Singapore, China or even India, the prices of Real Estate have increased beyond the point to where you can maintain a positive yield. That isn’t the case in the US. Not all all.

However, no one ever said that trying to buy a home in the U.S. as a non-U.S. citizen or foreigner isn’t going be tricky, at least on the surface.

If you’re wondering whether a non-citizen can buy real estate in the U.S., the short answer is yes, though it’s easiest if you’re paying cash. If you’re seeking financing to purchase real estate in the U.S. as a non-citizen, getting a mortgage is the challenging part which is why Global Mortgage Group ONLY specialises in these types of mortgages.

Buying a house as a NON-U.S. citizen

Anyone may buy and own property in the United States, regardless of citizenship. Hong Kong, Singapore, China, Indonesia, and other countries in the region focus primarily on the US when it comes to investing in real estate and as there are no laws or restrictions that prevent any individual of any foreign citizenship from purchasing or owning property in the U.S., it is the perfect place to invest for the future.

Besides investment Real Estate, many foreign nationals /non US citizens purchase vacation homes in the United States. There are many wealthy foreign investors who purchase investment property such as multi-unit apartments or condos, single family homes, and even business properties such as shopping malls.

Getting a mortgage as a NON-U.S. citizen

Purchasing a house in the U.S. as a foreign citizen is simple if you plan to pay in cash (or having all the money saved to buy the home in one lump sum). If you’re not in the financial position to be able to purchase a home with cash or you find leverage is a better option for you, you’ll need to obtain a mortgage loan to purchase property. This is where the process becomes tricky. Fortunately the Global Mortgage Group’s primary focus is on the U.S. market, and it’s only focus are these types of mortgages.

Most U.S.-based mortgage lenders look at a borrower’s U.S. credit history to determine their eligibility for a mortgage loan. As a non-U.S. citizen, you don’t have a U.S. credit report, making it difficult for lenders to analyze the risk of loaning you money to purchase a home. That means your lender will elevate your risk factor as a borrower. This doesn’t have to be the case. Nor do you have to stay up late at night in Asia calling lenders, brokers and banks trying to find someone that will understand your situation. It may take you longer to find a lender who is willing to work with you, and it may take longer to get approval for your mortgage loan. You might also pay a higher interest rate.

We understand the complexity of analyzing risk, calculating foreign income and alternative sources of acceptable credit verification. We do it all day, every day. It’s not difficult if you know the terrain, and in most cases we can find a U.S. mortgage loan for every client.

Implications for selling a U.S.-based property as a foreigner

Eventually, you might decide to sell your U.S.-based property. Before you purchase property in the U.S., it's good to be aware of the rules and requirements should you decide to sell your property in the future. The IRS requires that buyers of property from foreign citizens withhold 15% of the amount realized on the disposition. If the buyer does not withhold this amount, they may be responsible for additional taxes. The rules surrounding this are somewhat complex but are outlined in the IRS FIRPTA publication, and more information can be found in the International Tax Gap Series.

You should work with an agent you trust who won't push you beyond what you're comfortable offering or rush you into making a bad decision. Although we do not sell Real Estate ourselves, our network within the Real Estate world, especially within the U.S., is not only strong but also vetted. We are happy to point you in the direction of agents we have worked with in the past.

One of our associates or partners will be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding mortgage financing for your investment. Please send us a message at hello@gmg.asia.

Is There An Age Limit For Getting A U.S. Mortgage?

International Mortgage

Becoming a real estate investor is often seen as one of the most universal signs of personal financial achievement, no matter what your age. While, technically, in the US there is no age limit for getting a mortgage, there are some age-related home buying guidelines you should keep in mind.

How old is too old to get a mortgage?

Because a mortgage is a legally binding contract that allows you to finance the cost of a home over a long period of time, some people might wonder if there are age limits involved. For example, if you’re 75, could a lender refuse to let you take out a 30-year mortgage? After all, the average life expectancy in the United States is 78.6, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The good news for seniors who are looking to buy a house is that it is against the law for a mortgage lender to discriminate against you based on age. The Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA), which came out of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, says lenders cannot deny you credit based on age, as well as other criteria like race, color, religion, national origin, sex or marital status. The Fair Housing Act of 1968 adds even further protections, specifically stating that it’s against the law to discriminate in any residential real estate transaction.

However, there are some instances in which a lender could consider a lendee’s age indirectly. A lender may look at whether you are close to retirement age and make a decision based on your having enough income to handle the loan, according to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. But again, in this instance, the disqualifying factor is not your age but rather your ability to manage loan payments.

How young is too young to get a mortgage?

Can age be a discouraging factor when it comes to getting a mortgage if you’re closer to high school graduation age than retirement?

Lenders can’t deny a mortgage application solely because of your age, but states do have laws that determine the age at which a contract can be negotiated. For example, in Virginia, you must be 18 to enter into a legally binding contract, which would include a mortgage.

Your age may also affect your ability to meet other requirements for being approved for a mortgage loan.

  • Lenders evaluate your income to see that you have enough to make the mortgage payments. If you’re under 18 or even in your early 20s, it’s unlikely that you’ll have a job in which you make enough to take on a mortgage.
  • Lenders also typically require you to have a certain credit history, meaning they may not have enough of a credit history to meet lender’s requirements. Young people who haven’t had time to build a credit history by using credit cards or taking out loans are likely to fall in this category.
  • Finally, homebuyers typically need to make a down payment. For example, minimum down payment for a non citizen is 30%. US citizens living abroad and purchasing a second home or investment property may be able to put down as little as 10% if they still maintain a US credit score.

The risks of taking out a mortgage at an older age

Just because you can legally take out a US mortgage at any age, doesn’t mean it’s always be the wisest move. A mortgage is a long-term commitment, and you want to make sure you’re ready for it. If you’re a senior and thinking about taking out a mortgage, consider the following risks.
  • Mortgage debt can hamper your day-to-day finances. When people retire, they typically live on a fixed income. There are no more promotions to look forward to, or year-end bonuses to give your finances a boost. Some seniors may find it challenging to make those mortgage payments month after month, along with their other expenses on a fixed income. If a financial crisis hits, they could experience a financial disaster. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau points out that this did, in fact, happen during the Great Recession of 2007-09. Many older homeowners struggled to pay their mortgages and eventually foreclosed on their homes.
  • Unexpected repairs can throw your budget for a loop. Your mortgage payment isn’t the only thing you’d have to worry about. Most homeowners at some point experience the sticker shock that comes with appliance replacements and major repairs. If you’re living on a fixed income, replacing a roof or buying a new furnace may be too much to handle on top of the regular costs of homeownership. Also keep in mind that if you’re handy around the house and have been able to do your own repairs, you might not be able to do as much physical work as you age. In that case, you’d likely have to pay someone to do the jobs you used to be able to do.

You’ll likely have less time to build equity. One reason people buy real estate is so they will have something to pass down to their heirs. If you buy a house at an older age, there’s a higher chance you won’t live in the house long enough to build a lot of equity. In that case, if you die and your house is left to heirs who want to sell it, there may not be much of an inheritance for them to split.

The bottom line …

Age plays a role in many of our biggest decisions. Whether we’re thinking about marriage, starting a business or retirement, we often consider whether the timing is right to pursue these goals. While age can’t legally deter you from buying a house, you should always weigh the pros and cons of real estate investing.

Global Mortgage Group has programs which does not require income proof which may assist with obtaining a mortgage at an older age where income may be sporadic. For more information please email – hello@gmg.asia.