Bridge Loan Mortgage

Top U.S. High Schools & Property Investment Guide

Over the past few months, we surveyed over 1,000 of our clients and partners globally with the following question: “What is the key consideration for owning an investment property in the U.S.?” The top 3 answers were: 1. Education2. Price and Affordability3. Profit/Income Potential In this report, we look at the top public and private…

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International Mortgage UK

Spain Property Investments: Benefits + GMG Mortgage Options  

Property Investment in Spain  If you find yourself enjoying pristine beaches, sangria, and architectural masterpieces, Spain might just be the destination for you. The beautiful coastal region is surrounded by three sides of the Mediterranean Sea, offering stunning views of scenic coastlines. Such attractions have allured an intense interest in foreign buyers, driving up property…

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Mortgage Loan Canada

Why Dubai is a Great City for Property Investment

Due to the sheer amount of investment opportunities, Dubai has become an attractive target for international investors. Expats looking to live and work in leading global business hubs that offer a luxurious quality of life and a good working environment have Dubai as a top option. Here is what you need to know about investing…

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Bridge Loan Mortgage

Why Rents Increase in the “Bizarro World”

The “Bizarro World” references Bizarro Superman, a supervillain who lives in a world where everything is opposite. Here’s a great explanation from the TV show Seinfeld.  This reminds me of the world we live in now; mortgage rates double in 10 months, and yet, rental yields continue to increase double digits, year-on-year.  I have been telling our…

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Mortgage Loan Canada
"Ex-post, Ex-ante" + Family Office uses bridge loan to buy Retail/Office building

“Ex-post, Ex-ante” + Family Office uses bridge loan to buy Retail/Office building

Ex-post The worsening energy crisis in Europe has taken the front page of most media channels this week as the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, a 1,200 km natural gas pipeline from Russia to Germany, remains close, which is driving the Euro to a 20-year low vs. USD. The BBC reports that the annual energy bill for…

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Global Mortgage Group

Ex-post, Ex-ante + Which States are Equity-rich?

Ex-post Biden cancels $10,000 in student debt – timing before the mid-term elections are interesting, but no one can deny that it is a big problem that is stifling growth in many ways. The main event was Federal Reserve chairman Powell’s speech at Jackson Hole, which was a reminder that inflation is being treated more…

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Bridging Loan Canada

“Ex-post, Ex-ante” + When rates will fall

Welcome to our newly revamped weekly product, where we do a quick summary of salient news over the past week and what to expect the following week and beyond. It took a while to think of a catchy name for our weekly and we hope you like it. We also plan to include our house…

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New Loan Program by GMG Asia

Introducing “BREFI” (pronounced /brèːfè/), a New Loan Programme by GMG

Case studiesSingapore Introducing the “BREFI”(pronounced /brèːfè/), A New Loan Programme by GMG By Donald.K May 21, 2021 Over the past 12 months, the most common funding problem is the lack of financing options at the early stages of a real estate project: land acquisition, initial development, real estate purchase before the renovation, equity cash out…

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